Both is a radical idea

Seeing both sides and holding space for two seemingly conflicting ideas can sometimes be a radical practice. It often feels more complex or vulnerable to create space for both rather than the simplicity of choosing a side.

The pressure to choose "either-or" can be unhelpful and isn't even really a proper choice, which would require three or more options to be available. The burden we take on when we believe we need to decide between two things, which means we cut the other thing off, can block us from being the multifaceted, dynamic, creative, connecting, and healing people we are meant to be.

There is a time to know when to say "absolutely not" to something harmful. This is a powerful time to make a decision. Then, there is the richness and beauty of life that becomes available when we allow it to be a bouquet of different flowers instead of just one on its own.

If you feel the pressure to take one position and it doesn't feel right, be radical and hold space for something bigger.


Spend time with the person who knows best


Guilt shows up when you’re doing something new