Am I on the right path?

There is no “right” path that will lead you to a destination with no problems. There is no secret to uncover that will help your mind know for certain that you are doing the very thing you “should” be doing to guarantee your preferences will come to fruition.

In this moment and any moment, there are infinite possibilities available to us that could lead us in a life-giving direction. Our job is to lean into the wisdom of our bodies rather than the fear of our thinking minds to help us discern the quality of the action we want to take. There is no right path, and there is a difference between a path that feels truthful to us and one that does not.

There is a present-moment freedom that comes when we embrace the fact that we can’t guarantee anythung in the future, and this is helpful becuase all we have is the present moment.

What if you took your attention off of getting it “right” and put it on acting from truth?


A new type of courage


Shift from controlling to creating