Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

When tiny takes you out

The details are necessary if they help you focus on what’s essential. On the other hand, the details are a drain if they distract you and keep you from the most meaningful thing.

Details can be supportive and don’t hide behind them.

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

Stay anchored

In your commitments. There are infinite accidental commitments, agendas, arguments, and opinions that we can take on and start to confuse as our own.

Use your breath to anchor you back in the now and your truth, experience, wisdom, and commitments. It takes focus and discipline to stay connected to your knowledge for your life, and that’s what your life is for. It is energy well spent.

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

A force of nature

You have incredible energy and life force within you, and each action or non-action you take makes an impact.

What would you like to be a force for today? This is your superpower- to choose how you use your energy.

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

Power and letting go

Power is letting go. We cannot use our energy correctly and create what we want if we are dead-set on holding onto things that don’t serve us anymore simply because they are familiar. Pushing through and holding on probably won’t get us where we want to go.

Letting go requires that we move into the unknown, which is why letting go is power. It takes strength to leap into the void, and you are strong.

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

It’s only growth with love

For personal growth and development to actually be growth, it has to show up as an ability to love ourselves and others more.

If we are “growing” and judging and punishing ourselves and others, it’s not growth. It’s a new bad habit. Failure is part of long-term success, so we must learn to love ourselves and others through unexpected breakdowns and not give up.

Love is the point of the whole thing, and if we make it the priority, it will help us go further than we ever imagined.

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

Truth versus agendas

Honoring your personal truth is different than forcing an agenda.

When you are aligned with your values and best self, you can trust yourself to release your attachment to the outcome and be of service to yourself and others.

You deserve to honor yourself. You are already whole, so you can allow for things to unfold and have fun trusting your inner compass.

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

It doesn’t protect you, it blocks you

Resentment and unforgiveness don’t protect you from being hurt again.

They keep you connected to the pain and block the light that allows you to grow.

Unblock yourself. Let it go.

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

Wisdom as a freedom practice

Interpretation and truth are not the same things. The practice of wisdom helps you see when your interpretation is keeping you from experiencing the truth.

When you find yourself unable to see the truth, it is likely that you are tangled up in a world of interpretations. When confused, you are likely wasting your energy trying to "understand" something that you don't need to. So, release your need to find the correct interpretation and reconnect to your wisdom. Then, see if it helps you find clarity.

Interpretation makes things complicated; the truth is always simple.

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

Know the difference

And be disciplined about it.

Know the difference between an un-useful, polluting thought and a useful, life-giving thought and be incredibly disciplined about which you give your energy to.

You get to choose.

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

A reminder to do the thing

A loving reminder that doing the thing you know to do will always feel better than the mimic feeling of fulfillment that you get through staying comfortable and stepping over it.

You will feel better if you do the thing you know to do. I promise.

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

The gifts of today

This morning, you are being given the gift of a brand new, fresh start. If nothing from the past was holding you back, what would you create, and with what level of enthusiasm? You are given the gift of “the first day” every morning. So live today like it is the first day.

This evening, you will be given the gift of an ending. There is nothing more to do, and what you have done cannot be changed. What if this evening truly marked the completion of your journey and contribution? What would you create today, and with what level of enthusiasm? You will be given the gift of “the last day” every evening. Live today like it is the last day.

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

Why spend time on doubt?

“I don’t have time for doubt.”

This sentiment is a great place to start. The only catch is, it creates a lack of time by implying your time is scarce.

Maybe instead, say that you choose not to spend any of your time on doubt, or that you choose to spend all of your time on faith.

You have time for anything that is important to you. So, why spend that time on doubting yourself? You will certainly find that your time spent having faith will not only ensure more success, you’ll feel so much happier and have loads more fun along the way.

And of course, you get to choose.

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

Start with the most important thing

Or things, and work backward from there. Don’t do the unimportant and hope doing enough of it will finally make room for the essential.

Unimportant work begets more unimportant work. Time well-spent begets time well-spent.

Design your life backward from a year, month, or day from now with what is most valuable to you as the priority. It might feel uncomfortable for some old stuff to fall away. And that’s how you know you’re growing.

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

Agreement keeps us small

Needing others to agree is one of the fastest ways we give our power away.

When we give our power away, we get to stay safe, small, and the same. All of which are comfortable.

You don’t need them to agree. You deserve to experience the discomfort of becoming your best self and receiving your blessings.

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

Structure versus rigidity

The first is supportive and serves the intention.

The second is boring, oppressive, and thwarts possibility.

Use the intelligence of your body to sense the difference. Embrace the former, shake off the latter.

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

Peace and Passion

You have the actual choice to be what you sense is genuinely needed.

Sometimes you will want to be the calm in the storm. Sometimes you will be called to be the passion in the standstill. Often, you will know to do both.

The choice is critical, and your authentic choice is most important when you feel pulled to be what isn’t needed because that is when You (with a capital Y) are required the most.

Your spirit knows how to help you do the heavy lifting of choosing. Your job is to remember to ask.

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

Learning to listen to your GPS

You are constantly being guided. It is simply a matter of discovering where your guidance shows up and then committing to listening.

You will likely discover that your navigation system is available to you when you are in the present moment and loving awareness of your body. If this is the case, you will probably also notice that the next steps are given to you in the language of sensation, which is why it is essential to observe how your body is feeling.

What if your soul's and spirit's GPS has come installed in your body? How might you begin to refocus your attention from the distractions of the outer world to the intelligence of your inner knowing?

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

Luck follows intuition

Trust your gut if you want more luck in your life.

The very nature of luck is that there isn’t a predictable or “right” way that it happens. It happens even when it doesn’t make sense.

Our minds tend to keep us in the realm of what is reasonable and safe. And, on the other hand, our intuition wants to lead us toward the unknown and into possibility.

Intuition and luck are best friends. So hang out with your intuition more often, and you will see luck more.

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Nancy Perry Nancy Perry

You are choosing more than you realize

The limitations we set on ourselves are unconscious choices that we make.

When we feel limited in how much we can contribute, it is because we were told or shown somewhere along the way that our contribution is capped, and we decided to agree.

When we feel limited in the amount of wealth we can generate, it is because we decided there was a ceiling at some point.

When we feel limited in how happy we can be, it is because we are not allowing ourselves to see what’s truly possible.

It may sometimes feel like we aren’t in choice, but our choices show up everywhere. That’s how powerful we are. Powerful enough to make new choices that change everything.

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